You chose: john d. calandra italian american institute

You chose: john d. calandra italian american institute

  • "Let's Wake Up, Italics!"- Piero Bassetti in Conversation with Fred Plotkin
    Piero Bassetti and Fred Plotkin at La Casa di i-Italy
    There are over 250 million “Italics” in the world, and perhaps you’re one of them! On occasion of the recent English publication of Piero Bassetti’s book “Let’s Wake Up, italics! Manifesto for a Glocal Future,” i-Italy hosted a conversation between the author himself and Fred Plotkin, one of America’s foremost experts on opera and Italian culture. The conversation discussed what an “Italic” is and how Italics fit into the larger global society. The book “Let’s Wake Up, italics!” is published by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
  • In front of the Mother Italy sculpture in Poses Park on Hunter College Campus
    The Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York recently showed their gratitude to the finest individuals and organizations in the Italian American community during the 2017 Leonardo da Vinci Award Ceremony.
  • Artist William Papaleo in front of his oil paintings
    The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute is currently hosting a fascinating art exhibition entitled “Breaking Walls: An Emigrant/Immigrant Journey through Southern Italy” which features the work of American artist, William Papaleo.
  • In occasion of International Migrants Day, the 18 of December at United Nation there will be a discussion about the important relationship between migration and development. We interviewed Professor A. J. Tamburri, who will be one of the panelists at the conference
  • The John D. Calandra Institute's Annual Conference promises to be a memorable one in 2012. "Reimagining White Ethnicity: Expressivity, Identity, Race" brings together scholars studying different ethnic groups in contemporary America to redefine the idea of Ethnicity. i-Italy interviewed Dr Joseph Sciorra to know more about the Conference.