You chose: piero bassetti

You chose: piero bassetti

  • Il riconoscimento è stato attribuito nella cittadina piemontese di Ostana, nel corso di un interessante convegno su emigrazione e turismo sostenibile. I Borghi come protagonisti di un progetto di sviluppo. L'artistica targa di bronzo, fusa dalla millenaria Fonderia Marinelli di Agnone, è stata consegnata a Letizia Airos dal consigliere regionale Di Lucente. Il sindaco di Ostana, Lombardo, le ha invece dato la Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica
  • Enrico Colavita
    Intervista con Enrico Colavita. A cavallo tra la presidenza di Confindustria Molise appena avviata e la recentissima candidatura al Senato della Repubblica Italiana. Un imprenditore che da sempre ha creduto nelle reti d’impresa e che mette la sua esperienza a servizio del Paese e della sua regione, il Molise.
  • "Let's Wake Up, Italics!"- Piero Bassetti in Conversation with Fred Plotkin
    Piero Bassetti and Fred Plotkin at La Casa di i-Italy
    There are over 250 million “Italics” in the world, and perhaps you’re one of them! On occasion of the recent English publication of Piero Bassetti’s book “Let’s Wake Up, italics! Manifesto for a Glocal Future,” i-Italy hosted a conversation between the author himself and Fred Plotkin, one of America’s foremost experts on opera and Italian culture. The conversation discussed what an “Italic” is and how Italics fit into the larger global society. The book “Let’s Wake Up, italics!” is published by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute.
  • Professore Fred Gardaphe with his Queens College students
    Much of what I think about Piero Bassetti’s notion of Italici and the term’s relationship to his equally innovative notion of the Glocal, appears in my introduction to his new book "Let’s Wake Up Italics! Manifesto for a Glocal Future," published by Bordighera Press. What follows is what I feel about this interesting idea.
  • The editorial team celebrates with NIAF President John Viola at our NYC office, which we call La Casa di i-Italy
    A new magazine. Our design isn’t the only thing different about us. After four years of covering New York, we’ve decided to reach out to readers in other American cities: Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington DC. And Miami, Philadelphia and Chicago are just around the bend... That means we won't just be talking about the New York area.
  • Facts & Stories
    Giulia Madron(June 26, 2013)
    In San Francisco and the Bay Area for the 2013 Year of Italian Culture in the US, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti presents the culture, beauty and innovation of ‘Made in Italy’ design: exhibitions, debate and comparison between the cutting edge models of Italian production and the technology of Silicon Valley, towards a new economy of beauty. According to Piero Bassetti, Chairman of the Foundation : “It is during this revolution, in which Italy and United States play both a key role, and both with their own characteristics, that we can go towards a change and find new ways to build the future of humanity”.