You chose: Statue

You chose: Statue

  • Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that New York City's Central Park monument to Christopher Columbus has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The 76-foot rostral column was erected in 1892 in Central Park by New York's growing Italian-Americancommunity, which embraced Columbus as a unifying figure to help Italians overcome discrimination and gain inclusion in mainstream society.
  • The Map created in 1491 probably used by Christopher Columbus to navigate the Atlantic
    ONCE, WE WERE TAUGHT, he was a brave and bold explorer who sailed into the unknown and discovered the place we call home. Now, we understand, he was a genocidal mercenary who arrived thinking he was someplace else and kicked off five centuries of bloody oppression and exploitation. Okay, fine, nobody’s perfect, though it seems possible to believe he was both. Meaning we just have to decide which Columbus we’re going to ignore.
  • Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio at Gracie Mansion with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife
    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio at Gracie Mansion in Manhattan for a celebration of Italian pride. However, Mayor Bill de Blasio and some of his constituents did not necessarily see eye-to-eye.
  • Facts & Stories
    Alex Catti(September 07, 2017)
    Following last month’s removal of some statues and monuments, protests ensued, sparking tension regarding race relations and whether or not statues depicting prominent figures in American history should be removed. Although the statutes in question are mostly located in formerly Confederate states, some are found in the north as well. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the statue of Christopher Columbus in Manhattan’s Columbus Circle would come under scrutiny.
  • Columbus Day in New York
    IL Consiglio comunale di Los Angeles (14-1) decide di abolire la festività del Columbus Day. Viene sostituita come hanno già fatto altre località americane, con la commemorazione delle “popolazioni indigene, aborigene e native vittime del genocidio”. Questo dopo aver assistito all’incalzare di atti vandalici nei confronti di monumenti dedicati a Cristoforo Colombo. Le maggiori associazioni italo-americane chiedono il rispetto del Columbus Day inteso come giorno dell’affermazione del senso di dignità italoamericana e di amicizia tra i popoli italiano e americano e chiamano la comunità a reagire a quello che definiscono “un insulto storico”.
  • Among many other figures, the Great Navigator has found himself caught in the mad rush to seek out detested statues dedicated to controversial individuals in American history. Columbus has more than 5 monuments in the city, one of which being the centerpiece of Columbus Circle that is currently the center of controversy. We went to the rally at City Hall organized by City Councilor Joseph Borelli.
  • Un momento della manifestazione sulla scalinata del Comune di New York
    Nella folle corsa alla caccia di statue detestate dedicate a personaggi controversi della storia americana, è incappato anche il Grande Navigatore che di monumenti a lui dedicati a New York ne conta 5, oltre a quello del centralissimo Columbus Circle, attualmente nell’occhio del ciclone. Siamo andati al rally oper lui a City Hall, organizzato dal consigliere comunale Joseph Borelli