You chose: sistema italia

  • The Italian Consulate General in New York is sponsoring a free public concert which will introduce the U.S. to Fabrizio De Andrè. His music will be interpreted by Mauro Pagani, De Andrè’s friend and musical collaborator who is also a versatile musician in his own right, capable of playing everything from 70s rock to folk and ethnic music
  • This year the New Literature from Europe series will celebrate the graphic novel. Seven of the most famous European representatives of this literary genre will meet their public in New York. They come from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
  • Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos(November 11, 2008)
    The English translation of Italici is the fruit of a fortunate encounter between the Italian/American Digital Project and that side of Piero Bassetti’s multifaceted personality that led to the foundation of “Globus et Locus” 10 years ago...
  • On October 23, Mary Sansone, Monsignor John A. Ruvo, Patricia Santangelo, and Anthony J. Tamburri were recognized as prominent members of the Italian-American community in the United States. For the occasion, the Arthur Avenue market became an Italian piazza where the whole neighborhood gathered and cheered.
  • Life & People
    Berardo Paradiso(October 23, 2008)
    IACE (Italian American Committee on Education) is promoting a physical exchange between American and Italian students with the aim to give American youths the possibility to visit Italian piazza and improve their knowlege of Italian.
  • Visitors to Italy seeking a detour from trinket stands, congested cathedrals and the gastronomic abomination that is the "menu turistico" will find reprieve in the Marches. The region's representatives come to the Italian Tourism Board (ENIT) and give attendees a visual journey through an Italian dream destination that's still slightly under the radar
  • Florence still has plenty of verve and continual new offerings. Out to demonstrate the city's bold cultural agenda is the Florentine Commission of Cultural Affairs, with a presentation this week at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York
  • Italy's Consulate General is the center of the "Italian Piazza" in New York. In order to reach the whole community, it supports the creation and the development of "virtual piazzas" too.
