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  • Italy’s world-renowned opera composer Giuseppe Verdi marched in this year’s Columbus Day Parade in Manhattan. Verdi was portrayed by actor, director, and playwright Massimiliano Finazzer, who spoke to i-Italy about his experience marching up New York’s Fifth Avenue dressed as the famous composer.
  • Director of the Italian Cultural Institute Giorgio van Straten, Author/Playwright Dacia Maraini, and Director of the John D. Calandra Institute Anthony Tamburri during the discussion portion of the evening. Photo credit: Laura Yost
    One of Italy's most acclaimed fiction writers, Dacia Maraini, came to New York for a series of events, one of which was the inauguration of italytime’s new theatrical space. A performance of her latest work "Una pittrice di provincia" (A Provincial Painter), directed by Vittorio Capotorto, made its international debut in the new theater. The evening concluded with the opportunity for the audience to ask Maraini any questions that they may have had for the famous writer.