You chose: federico fellini

You chose: federico fellini

  • Maria Sole Tognazzi e suo padre Ugo Tognazzi
    In omaggio all'attore una retrospettiva al Museum of Modern Art di New York dal titolo "Ugo Tognazzi: Tragedies of a Ridiculous Man", dal 5 al 30 dicembre 2018 . La figlia Maria Sole Tognazzi ha raccontato vita, curiosità e aneddoti sul grande artista all'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York
  • Auguri Maestro! Il prossimo 5 luglio l'Aquila si presta a festeggiare il grande drammaturgo e scrittore Mario Fratti in occasione del 90° anniversario. La città natale del critico teatrale ha organizzato una giornata dedicata a Fratti, personalità che ha portato i valori culturali abruzzesi in tutto il mondo, specialmente a New York, ormai sua seconda casa.
  • Illustration: Michael Hoeweler
    After a two-year renovation, Quad Cinema is relaunching their theater with the most extensive retrospective ever seen in New York of one of Italian cinema’s great unsung legends until May 11.
  • Antico Forno Roscioli
    In Italy's historic cities, traditional shopkeepers and craftsmen are struggling to preserve the nation's heritage from the invasion of "trash stores" hustling fast food, alcohol and souvenir trinkets. Florence set the example. Now Rome hopes to follow suit.
  • Starting on May 22, and ending on the 31, the Film Society of Lincoln Center presents an all-Italian film series: Titanus, A Family Chronicle of Italian Cinema. Featuring works by filmmakers like Federico Fellini, Vittorio De Seta, Michelangelo Antonioni, Ermanno Olmi, Dario Argento, Vittorio De Sica, and Mario Monicelli, among others, the series focuses mainly on the films produced at Titanus from the late ’40s to the early ’60s.
  • Dolce and Gabbana, Baz Luhrmann honored and an emotional tribute to Massimo Vignelli. Intense moments at the third Gala of the New York based foundation that supports culture between US and Italy. Great preview of “The Atelier Tirelli’s exhibition". This spring the renowned Italian Atelier, thanks to laFondazioneNy, will have its masterpieces shown at he Museum of the Moving Image
  • Le Conversazioni, is an event created by Antonio Monda in collaboration with co-curator Davide Azzolini, and it is inspired by everything that is art, theater, literature, dance and film. This is not just a moment to hear what big stars like to watch, but it is an opportunity to learn what has influenced their work, to understand their style better and even to learn about films you have never heard of before
  • Art & Culture
    Natasha Lardera(February 27, 2013)
    A new restored version of Federico Fellini's 8 1/2 is opening on March 22nd at the Quad Cinema (34 W 13th St.). Corinth Films is responsible for bringing one of the masterpieces of our time to the big screen once again, in a beautiful new 35mm restoration.
