You chose: Emma D'aquino

You chose: Emma D'aquino

  • A presentation of Emma D’Aquino’s new book about Nino Marano, a man who spent 49 years in prison. It all started with stolen peppers and eggplants. After being arrested and imprisoned, it’s in prison that Nino became a murderer and never got out. Alternating between moments of hope for redemption and recurring episodes of violence. The sentence gets longer and it becomes almost an excuse to commit new crimes. A difficult and controversial story that opens up to many reflections.
  • Two Italian language appointments for Emma D’Aquino’s book “Ancora un giro di chiave” edited by Baldini & Castoldi. One of the most renowned Italian news anchors puts together a moving and incredible telling of detainee Nino Marano’s story. Why did we decide to hold them in Italian?
  • La locandina dei Walking Tours
    New York is considered one of the major producers of “mainstream”, and oftentimes viral, creative and cultural content. In 2013, a young man from Trieste moved to this city to follow his dream of creating something truly new and original: we are talking about Ricky Russo and his walking tours.
  • La locandina dei Walking Tours
    New York è considerata una delle maggiori città produttrici di quei contenuti ritenuti “mainstream”, che oggi chiameremo virali, dell’industria creativa e culturale. In questa città si è poi trasferito, dal 2013, un ragazzo di Trieste, con tanta esperienza, che ha deciso di seguire un sogno e di creare un qualcosa di davvero unico ed originale: parliamo di Ricky Russo e dei suoi walking tours.