You chose: bill de blasio

You chose: bill de blasio

  • Jan 12, Carabinieri at Rome show recovered presepe figures
    Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(January 18, 2018)
    Art thefts in Italy are on the way down, and this week Carabinieri in Rome showed their latest recovered objects: 250 valuable antique nativity scene figures. Nevertheless, and despite thefts like the Al Thani jewels in Venice, art crimes in Italy have seriously dropped.
  • Italian Americans during the rally. Photo Credit: Riccardo Chioni
    With flags, scarves, and tri-colored handkerchiefs, approximately 50 members of Italian-American organizations took part in Saturday’s rally at Columbus Circle. The following day in Queens marked the first meeting of Mayor de Blasio’s commission aimed at examining “symbols of hate.” The great navigator, Christopher Columbus, found himself at the center of the controversy surrounding the Commission and its mission.
  • L'intervento di Angelo Vivolo, Presidente dell'organizzazione 'The Columbus Citizens Foundation'. Foto di Joseph Sciame
    Con bandiere, sciarpe e fazzoletti tricolore, una cinquantina di membri di organizzazioni italoamericane ha preso parte al rally di sabato a Columbus Circle organizzato il giorno successivo la prima riunione nel Queens della Commissione esaminatrice dei “symbols of hate” voluta dal sindaco de Blasio, nel cui calderone si è ritrovato il Grande Navigatore
  • Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio at Gracie Mansion with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his wife
    New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Italian Ambassador Armando Varricchio at Gracie Mansion in Manhattan for a celebration of Italian pride. However, Mayor Bill de Blasio and some of his constituents did not necessarily see eye-to-eye.
  • Facts & Stories
    Alex Catti(September 07, 2017)
    Following last month’s removal of some statues and monuments, protests ensued, sparking tension regarding race relations and whether or not statues depicting prominent figures in American history should be removed. Although the statutes in question are mostly located in formerly Confederate states, some are found in the north as well. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the statue of Christopher Columbus in Manhattan’s Columbus Circle would come under scrutiny.
  • The "Italian Heritage Reception" was hosted at The Gracie Mansion, Mayor Bill De Blasio spoke about the importance of preserving the Italian language and heritage in NYC while First Lady Charlene McCray, President of the Columbus Citizens Foundation Angelo Vivolo, and actor/film director John Turturro also offered their sentiments regarding the Italian-American community.
  • IHCC-NY's poster that represents their theme for October 2016
    This Friday, Joseph Sciame and the rest of the Italian Heritage & Culture Committee of New York, Inc. will be kicking off the start of October, which is the national month that celebrates Italian-American heritage.
