Music! Benefit Concert to to Help the Reconstruction of the Teatro Cinema Garibaldi in Amatrice

Music! Benefit Concert to to Help the Reconstruction of the Teatro Cinema Garibaldi in Amatrice

i. I. (September 16, 2016)
A stellar line-up of New York based musicians will perform in support of the cause. Musicians infact decided to devolve the income of fundraising for the victims of the earthquake to the following crowdfunding campaign amatrice for the reconstruction of the Teatro Cinema Garibaldi in Amatrice (one of the small towns the earthquake erased from the map).

The campaign is organized by two associations of Italian jazz musicians: Associazione I-Jazz (http://www.i-jazz.it/)   and MIDJ-Musicisti Italiani di Jazz (http://www.musicisti-jazz.it/website/). It is intended to raise money to help the reconstruction of the Teatro Cinema Garibaldi in Amatrice (one of the small towns the earthquake erased from the map).

The fundraising platform doesn't charge any commission for the earthquake cause. Those who cannot come to Bar Lunatico on 9/17th might contribute directly by clicking on the above crowdfunding campaign link, just adding the sentence: SOLIDARITY FROM BROOKLYN, BAR LUNATICO EVENT

Bar LunÀtico (486 Halsey St, Brooklyn, NY 11233

www.barlunatico.com) - the intimate/magic music venue which is gaining an high reputation in the New York song writer/jazz music scene - in collaboration with Italian guitarist/composer Marco Cappelli has organized a night in support of the victims of the recent earthquake in Italy. 

A stellar lineup of avant-jazz New York based musicians - usually touring in the most prestigious international festival scene - will perform in support of the cause, in 7 sets. This will be a great night of music and solidarity not to be missed!

Music starts at 6:30 

The usual suggested donation is $10, but an upgrade to $20 is strongly recommended for this specific cause.

Performing musicians: 

DAMON BANKS http://damonbanks.net/

ELLIOTT SHARP http://www.elliottsharp.com/

STEVE BERNSTEIN http://www.stevenbernstein.net/

MARCO CAPPELLI http://marcocappelli.com/

ANTHONY COLEMAN http://necmusic.edu/faculty/anthony-coleman

KEN FILIANO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Filiano

JOE HERTENSTEIN http://joehertenstein-music.tumblr.com/

SHELLEY HIRSCH http://www.shelleyhirsch.com/shelley/

JAMES ILGENFRITZ https://jamesilgenfritz.com/

BRAD JONES http://bassjones.com/

BRIGGAN KRAUSS http://www.briggankrauss.com/

JT LEWIS http://www.jtlewis.org/bio-discography/ DAVE MILLER https://davemillerdrums.wordpress.com/ JIM PUGLIESE http://www.jimpugliese.org/ BRANDON ROSS https://www.reverbnation.com/brandonross 

DOUG WIESELMAN http://www.dougwieselman.com/ 

see the crowdfunding campaign >>





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