IAWA Features Gil Fagiani and NYTimes Best Selling Author Wally Lamb Sat., Sept. 10, 2016 at Cornelia St. Cafe

IAWA Features Gil Fagiani and NYTimes Best Selling Author Wally Lamb Sat., Sept. 10, 2016 at Cornelia St. Cafe

IAWA . (September 09, 2016)
To celebrate its first 25 years, IAWA has co-sponsored events with organizations such as the Vito Marcantonio Forum's Author Series, participated in the NYC Poetry Festival on Governors Island and will be joining Bordighera Press at the Brooklyn Book Festival as well as a Bookend event on Sept. 15 at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. 2nd Saturday readings are the core of IAWA's activities and all are welcomed to read out loud.

 Wally Lamb is the author of five New York Times' bestselling novels: Wishin’ and Hopin’, The Hour I First Believed, I Know This Much is True,  She's Come Undone, and most recently, We Are WaterLamb also edited Couldn’t Keep It to Myself and I’ll Fly Away, two volumes of essays from students in his writing workshop at York Correctional Institution, a women’s prison in Connecticut, where he has been a volunteer facilitator for the past 16 years. Lamb’s forthcoming sixth work of fiction, I’ll Take You There, will appear in November in both hardcover and digital form. The digital e-book will feature text, audio, music, and film. www.wallylamb.net

Gil Fagiani has published five books of poetry the most recent of which is Logos (Guernica Editions, 2015). Other collections include: Stone Walls, and Chianti in Connecticut published by Bordighera PressA Blanquito in El Barrio, and Rooks published by Rain Mountain Press; and three chapbooks, Crossing 116th Street, Grandpa’s Wine, and Serfs of Psychiatry.       

Fagiani co-curates the Italian American Writers’ Association’s monthly reading series, co-founded the Vito Marcantonio Forum, and is an associate editor of Feile-Festa: A Literary Arts Magazine. He directed a residential treatment program for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in downtown Brooklyn for 21 years. In February 2014, he was the subject of  The New York Times' article by David Gonzalez, “A Poet Mines Memories of Drug Addiction.

: $10 includes complimentary drink.  

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Our Mission

IAWA promotes Italian American literature by encouraging the writing, reading, publication, distribution, translation, and study of writing by Italian American authors.

Circolo Letterario, Online Poetry Circle

Initiated in 2014 by Gil Fagiani and Nick Matros. Members are welcomed to join this online poetry workshop. Contact fagianella@aol.com





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