PastaMania #1. "Fettuccine al ragù"
Serves 4
● 24 oz De Cecco egg fettuccine
● 1 stalk of celery
● 1 onion
● 1 carrot
● A sprig of parsley
● 30 oz tomato puree
● 10 oz ground meat (pork and veal)
● 10 oz ground meat (pork and veal)
● 4 fl. oz red wine
● 4 oz. grated Parmigiano
● 4 tablespoons De Cecco extra virgin olive oil
● Finely dice the celery, onion, and carrot.
● Cook the diced vegetables in a large pan with extra virgin olive oil for five minutes until the onion is golden.
● Add white wine and cook for another five minutes, until the wine evaporates.
● Add ground meat. You should use both pork and veal. Pork is sweeter and fatter than veal and gives the sauce flavor and a smooth texture.
● Add salt and pepper.
● Cook for about ten minutes, until the meat is brown.
● Add tomato sauce and reduce heat to low.
● Let it cook for at least an hour and a half.
● When the water comes to a boil, add coarse salt.
● Toss in the pasta, stirring occasionally so it doesn't stick.
● Cook the fettuccine for 3 minutes.If you cook it longer, Italians won't like it! Pasta must be "al dente"—or firm to the bite.
● When the fettuccine is done, don't drain it with a colander—just remove it from the pot using a large slotted spoon.
● Add the fettuccine to the saucepan. Turn off the heat and stir carefully.
● Sprinkle with parmigiano and a little extra virgin olive oil, and stir.
● Fettuccine al ragù bolognese should be paired with still, medium-bodied red wine, especially a wine produced in Emilia Romagna. We recommend San Giovese.
... AND REMEMBER: To make an excellent pasta dish, use excellent pasta!
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