You chose: stefano vaccara

You chose: stefano vaccara

  • Fatti e Storie
    Valeria Di Giuliano(May 04, 2017)
    Lunedì 1 maggio ha inaugurato al Cherry Lane Theater la quinta edizione del Festival "In Scena!". La serata è stata dedicata ai novant'anni del drammaturgo di origini aquilane Mario Fratti. Abbiamo chiesto ad alcuni dei suoi amici e collaboratori di condividere con noi un ricordo o un aneddoto legati al drammaturgo.
  • Book Presentation : "Carlos Marcello,The Man Behind the JFK Assassination" at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò (NYU). February 26, 6.00 p.m. The author, Stefano Vaccara, in conversation with: Joseph LaPalombara, Yale University - George De Stefano, author - Fred Gardaphe, Calandra Institute, CUNY
  • Food for Thought / Stuzzichini (with Piero Bassetti & Niccolò D'Aquino)
    As we look at Italy's contemporary immigration policies and the resultant challenges, we sometimes muse that, had Italy studied more profoundly its own historical emigration, perhaps it might better comprehend (read, be more sensitive to) its current situation. Now, as we ponder Bassetti's notion of Italicity, we might actually engage in an even exchange or sorts, and learn something from Italy in similar regard. Save the Date! Book Presentation of "Italic Lessons". April 20, 6 PM, Calandra Institute. Panelists include: Francesco Maria Talò, Niccolò D'Aquino, Anthony J. Tamburri, Peter Carravetta, Mario Mignone, Gianpaolo Pioli, Stefano Vaccara, Letizia Airos. Send your questions&comments to letizia.airos@gmail.com. We'll submit them to Piero Bassetti during the conference!