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You chose: region

  • Bagnoli del Trigno
    Each year, The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) collaborates with a region in Italy by promoting its culture, business and tourism in the United States, while also traveling to the region to promote cultural exchange. This year the Region of Honor will be Molise
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory recita Giusepoe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi alla parata sulla quinta strada con una coreografia coordinata intorno ai Beni culturali tutelati dall’Unesco a “incarnare” la Regione Lombardia con la Fondazione Stelline. Si tratta di un gesto estetico guidato dal volto del più noto compositore italiano sulle note trionfali di un’Aida
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory as Giuseppe Verdi
    Giuseppe Verdi is at the parade on Fifth Avenue with a coordinated choreography around Cultural Heritage sites protected by UNESCO. A performance personifying the Region of Lombardy and the Fondazione Stelline. It's a beautiful gesture guided by the face of Italy's most notable composer, Giuseppe Verdi, on the triumphant notes of Aida. Be sure not to miss this one-off performance in New York City!
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Natasha Lardera(December 18, 2014)
    Every Italian region has its time-honored dishes that happen to be the real “stars” of the table. These are dishes that are synonymous of Christmas and every holiday season, year after year, they are prepared with care and respect for tradition.
  • Every Italian region has its time-honored dishes that happen to be the real “stars” of the table. These are dishes that are synonymous of Christmas and every holiday season, year after year, they are prepared with care and respect for tradition.
  • The flavor, color and fragrance of olive oils can vary greatly depending on distinctions such as growing region (oils from southern Italy tend to be fruitier) and the crop’s condition. Olive oils are graded according to the degree of acidity they contain.