You chose: anti-mafia

You chose: anti-mafia

  • NYU. Roberto Saviano - In Italy the best anti-mafia law in the world
    In the first of a series of commentaries by Italian-American intellectuals on Roberto Saviano's recent talk about Mafia at the New York University, George DeStefano holds that Italian American anti-defamationists outraged by Mafia movies and TV shows should adopt the Italian approach, choosing candid and historically-informed discourse rather than ethnic defensiveness.
  • Facts & Stories
    Joey Skee(July 17, 2010)
    A new book about the New York City waterfront recalls the Italian-American fight against organized crime.
  • Art & Culture
    Judith Harris(December 13, 2009)
    Predictably, rhetoric marked the twentieth anniversary of the death of Leonardo Sciascia on November 20. But rhetoric was the opposite of Sciascia. If anything, the Sicilian author was about silences: pregnant silences, dangerous silences, silences that communicate entire worlds with the least nod of a head, or at most with one of the tiny handwritten notes in code, pizzini, used by Bernardo Provenzano.
  • Italian and American law enforcement officials, activists and lawyers brought home the reality of antimafia activities in Italy and in America at a recent conference at John Jay College in Manhattan. The occasion, celebrating the life of Joe Petrosino - an Italian emigrant and NYPD lieutenant - and the dedication of a park to him, was a reminder of how much has been done and how much still remains in the ongoing war against the Mafia.