Over 700 Scholarships to Italian-American Students In 2018

Over 700 Scholarships to Italian-American Students In 2018

This year, the Columbus Citizens Foundation is expected to provide scholarships and financial assistance to over 700 Italian-American elementary, high school and college students who possess academic ability, but lack the financial means to attend the schools of their choice.

The Columbus Citizens Foundation, located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, is proud to be in another annual cycle of its acclaimed Scholarship Program.  Since its inception, the Foundation has been a proud supporter of Italian-American education and culture, and established its robust Scholarship Program in 1992 to increase educational opportunities for the next generation of Italian Americans.


This year, the Columbus Citizens Foundation is expected to provide scholarships and financial assistance to over 700 Italian-American elementary, high school and college students who possess academic ability, but lack the financial means to attend the schools of their choice.

In addition to the general Scholarship Program, Columbus Citizens Foundation has a longstanding relationship with John Cabot University in Rome which allows for the sending of students to study abroad in Italy on an annual basis.  The Foundation also offers several opportunities specific to certain fields of education and development – such as assisting with distribution of The Morgagni Medical Scholarship, which is available to first year medical students. 

Though our applications for the 2018 to 2019 academic year are now closed, the Foundation will open its application process once again in November 2018 – and details for application of scholarships on all levels can be found on the Foundation's website: www.columbusfoundation.org.

If you are interested in helping support the future of Italian Americans, you can donate to help the Columbus Citizens Foundation's fundraising efforts at the following link: https://www.columbuscitizensfd.org/donate-now/give-a-gift-online.html.

The Columbus Citizens Foundation is a non-profit organization in New York City committed to fostering an appreciation of Italian-American heritage and achievement. The Foundation provides opportunities for advancement to deserving Italian-American students through various scholarship and grant programs. The Foundation organizes New York City's annual Columbus Celebration and Columbus Day Parade.



