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  • Interview with lead actor and producer of “Lucania terra sangue e magia” (Lucania earth blood and magic), directed by Gigi Roccati. The film won three Grand Jury Remi Awards at the 52nd WorldFest Houston International Film Festival: Best Foreign Film, Best Actress (Angela Fontana) and Best Editing (Annalisa Forgione.)
  • Intervista all'attore protagonista e produttore di 'Lucania terra sangue e magia', regia di Gigi Roccati. Il film ha vinto tre Grand Jury Remi Award al 52 WorldFest Houston International Film Festival come miglior film straniero, migliore attrice (Angela Fontana) e miglior montaggio (Annalisa Forgione).
  • Arte e Cultura
    Chiara Basso(December 10, 2018)
    Intervista con l'attrice e regista che ha presentato a New York il secondo film da lei diretto, Euforia. Si racconta, parla delle donne ed il cinema, ci confida un suo desiderio: vincere la Palma d’Oro come Regista a Cannes."Ci ho messo molto tempo a fare quello che avrei voluto fare", dice, "non perché ho trovato difficoltà esterne in quanto donna. Il problema veniva da dentro: da donna mi autocensuravo".
  • “Caravaggio-The Soul and the Blood” is making its West Coast premiere in Los Angeles. The film, produced by Sky Art Cinema and Magnitudo Film, tells the story of the famous, Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio and his works. This event was organized by the IIC Los Angeles in collaboration with Sky.
  • As February celebrates African-American History Month, Director Fred “Kudjo” Kuwornu will present his documentary, "Blaxploitalian 100 Years of Blackness in Italian Cinema,” at the Italian Cultural Institute in San Francisco on February 20th. The documentary uncovers and analyzes the personal struggles African Americans, and actors of African descent face in the film industry.
  • Monica Vitti in Red Desert (Deserto Rosso)
    The MoMa is celebrating the groundbreaking work of Italian director and screenwriter Michelangelo Antonioni with a retrospective of his films until Jan. 7. The exhibition is accompanied by the book My Antonioni, edited by Carlo Di Carlo, which was presented at the Italian Cultural Institute in New York City.
