You chose: italian

You chose: italian

  • After the signing
    Art & Culture
    A.B. & M.D.M.(November 11, 2010)
    Together at the Consulate General of Italy to celebrate the signing of the agreement that reinstates the Advanced Placement Program in Italian Language and Culture.
  • I wrote about one thing on the Calandra Institute list-serve (the Arizona Ethnic Studies Bill), and, among the many responses, people spoke to another issue, as you can see below. Ben venga! I thought this might be a better forum in which to continue that discussion that was spontaneously born. I also believe that we still live willy nilly in that ever-so, never-mentioned world of Hyphenville, as I wrote in an essay more than twenty years ago that was, for that time, courageously published by Guernica Editions.
  • Darrell Fusaro in some funny commercials
    Everyone’s familiar with nicknames. Mikey, Snookie, Noodles, The Situation. We’ve heard them all. But the ones given to you by your Italian-American friends? They always seem to carry more clout.
  • 99 years after the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire many people gathered for a moving commemoration and a series of educational events to inspire everyone to create a safer and better world. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire ( March 25, 1911) was the largest industrial disaster in the history of New York, causing the death of 148 garment workers (Jewish and Italian women) who either died from the fire or jumped to their deaths. It was the worst workplace disaster in the City until September 11, 2001.
