You chose: italian

You chose: italian

  • On May 23, University of Pennsylvania will host Alexander Stille's lecture "The Fate of an Excellent Cadaver: The Legacy of Judge Falcone; 20 Years After his Death." Organized by Italian Professionals in Philadelphia (PI-Philly), the lecture will feature an introduction by Italian Consul General to Philadelphia Luigi Scotto.
  • Confindustria Ceramiche and the Italian Trade Commission will sponsor the participation of Ceramics of Italy, one of Italy’s leading ceramic tiles companies, to the International Contemporary Furniture Fair which will be held from May 19 till May 22 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City.
  • The Italian Trade Commission’s Fashion of the Vine Project brought selected wines from Feudi di San Gregorio winery to Kiton’s atelier for an exclusive fundraising event: Astro-tourist and founder of Cirque du Soleil Guy Laliberté presented his book GAIA, the proceeds of which went to “One Drop Foundation,” Laliberté’s charity for sustainable access to clean water.
  • We advise all interested students that College Board has published the date of the AP Italian Language and Culture exam on its web site: it is scheduled for Thursday, May 17, 2012, after 12.00 PM.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    N.L.(December 01, 2011)
    The classic wines of Piedmont will be brought to NYC by Cantina Sociale di Canelli. In partnership with the Italian Trade Commission, they have organized special tasting opportunities for the trade and the press in some of the city’s top Italian restaurants
  • ROME - The front page of Il Sole-24 Ore, Italy's leading financial daily, said it all today, in a gigantic headline with just two words, written in 6-inch-tall letters: FATE PRESTO - Do it fast. And fast is what is happening today. President Giorgio Napolitano's appointment yesterday of the prestigious Mario Monti, front-runner to replace Berlusconi as premier of a government intended to stop the dithering, paved the way. Things are indeed speeding up, and today the political know-it-alls were already putting together a guess list of possible ministers to serve with Monti. This weekend is shaping up as crucial, and when I phoned the Quirinal Palace to see about a possible visit (the palazzo (it's open every Sunday), I was told that it will likely be closed for consultations with party leaders. Berlusconi's resignation, following a vote--due this weekend--over the budget as presented to the EU, is moving closer.
  • Events: Reports
    Cesare Baccheschi(October 17, 2011)
    Design icon Alessi sponsors “Amici dei Bambini,” an Italian NGO engaged in fighting child abandonment, which the United Nations has called “the fourth humanitarian emergency of the Twenty-first Century.”
