You chose: istituto italiano di cultura

You chose: istituto italiano di cultura

  • Art & Culture
    Sara Krevoy(February 01, 2018)
    On Feb. 9, the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco will open an exhibition consisting of paintings by Italian artist Silvia Caimi. The Institute will host a reception to kick off the display, including an artist talk with Caimi herself.
  • Arte e Cultura
    Tommaso Cartia(February 20, 2017)
    Il grande road-show internazionale per la promozione del Festival Verdi, l'evento che ogni anno celebra il genio dell'opera italiana, ha fatto tappa a New York, presso la sede dell'ENIT - Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo, a Park Avenue. A presentare l'eccezionale programma 2017 importanti personalità come la Direttrice Generale del Teatro Regio di Parma, Anna Maria Meo e il Presidente della Regione Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini.
  • For Dario Nardella, the mayor of Florence currently visiting New York, there is a great cultural bridge tying together “New York, the world’s greatest global city, and Florence, the world’s smallest global city”. During his brief trip, a plan for property investment in his city was also presented.
  • The Italian Cultural Institute in New York has an open position for an Administrative Assistant in the Secretariat division. L'Istituto italiano di cultura ha indetto un concorso per l’assunzione di un impiegato a contratto da adibirsi ai servizi di Assistente Amministrativo nel settore Segreteria presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York.
  • IIC New York. The Unification of Italy and American Independence
    Among the several events organized by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, an international conference was held to discuss the constitution, differences between political and sociological visions and historical heroes.
  • This year the New Literature from Europe series will celebrate the graphic novel. Seven of the most famous European representatives of this literary genre will meet their public in New York. They come from the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
