You chose: washington

You chose: washington

  • Life & People
    Emily Hayes(October 16, 2018)
    For two days every year, the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel swells with Italian voices, music, and food for the National Italian American Foundation’s (NIAF) Anniversary Gala weekend. October 12 and 13 of this year were no different. Pugliese wine, olive oil, and sauce was enjoyed by eager Italian Americans looking for a taste of their culture at the Expo Italiana, and gala attendees gathered to honor Italian Americans who have contributed greatly to American business, science, government, and the arts.
  • Dining in & out
    O. C.(July 13, 2017)
    Born and raised in Lagonegro, a little village in the South of Italy, Chef Luigi came to America by chance and settled in Washington, D.C. at a time when the city was hardly an exciting place to work for a restaurateur. “When I saw what this city’s restaurants were offering, I realized there was so much more I could do,” Luigi tells us. And as a matter of fact, he did!
  • Patricia de Stacy Harrison with John Calvelli at the National Italian American Foundation Gala
    Washington, DC: Italian Leadership in America. Series / 3. Interviewing Patricia de Stacy Harrison, President and CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, co-chair of NIAF, and a most captivating Italian leader in the Nation’s capital.
  • Amy's Story - the new book by Anna Lawton
    On April 27th the Washington, D.C. literary crowd gathered to celebrate another success by one of its most well-known members: a presentation of Anna Lawton’s latest book, “Amy’s Story.” The venue was perfect: the staff of Via Umbria, a small but extremely welcoming Italian gourmet market, with an upstairs patio and a space for culinary and literary events, greeted us with an aperitivo including several Italian delicacies. Bottles were popped and the spumante started to flow from glass to mouth. An organized – but long – line formed when the brand new books were brought upstairs to be bought by the readers and signed by the author.
  • Matteo Renzi con Barack Obama alla Casa Bianca
    Martedì 18 ottobre il presidente del Consiglio Matteo Renzi sarà ospite dell’ultima ‘State dinner’ organizzata da Barack e Michelle Obama, accompagnato da una delegazione italiana simbolo di alcune delle eccellenze del nostro paese. Un’agenda fitta d’impegni per questa visita americana che si concluderà con un ‘pranzo ristretto’ organizzato da interlocutori vicini alla campagna politica di Hilary Clinton.
  • As seen on i-Italy | TV. Chief Operating Officer John Viola
    Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos(October 13, 2016)
    The youngest president in the history of NIAF talks about his first years on the job, explains how the organization works, and outlines his views for the future. He also touches upon delicate topics such as NIAF’s relationship with other Italian-American organizations, and he prides NIAF’s partnership with i-Italy.
