You chose: sanremo festival

You chose: sanremo festival

  • Raphael Gualazzi during his Eurovision Song Contest show
    Raphael Gualazzi is so Italian and–at the same time–so extraordinarily global for his music. Born in 1981, Raphael is a singer-songwriter who exported Italian vibes across the world. I’m proud to introduce Raphael Gualazzi as our second guest on “Francesco Foderà’s Italian Sound.”
  • In both the good times and the bad, the Sanremo Festival is an institution which Italians love almost as much as spaghetti and Michelangelo. One out of every three Italians watches the grand finale of the Sanremo Song Festival, now in its 67th year.
  • Life & People
    Marina Melchionda(March 14, 2010)
    Federico left Italy after years of success as the official hair dresser of well-known singers, actors, and VIPs. He arrived here in New York with courage and fantasy, but soon his passion led him to a path filled with stars, as he became the official artistic director of Hollywood productions and of several editions of the N.Y. Fashion Week