You chose: enzo capua

You chose: enzo capua

  • Chiara Izzi
    This Italian artist is not afraid to explore her vocal potential in different languages and across genres. Yesterday at Birdland, she presented her second and newly released album, Across the Sea (Jando), co-created with pianist and vocalist Kevin Hays. And now she is also planning a tour.
  • Thelonious Monk, Minton's Playhouse, New York, ca. September 1947. Photograph by William P. Gottlieb
    This time we are going to talk about an important—nay, fundamental— concept, for listening, playing, and above all understanding jazz music. I’m referring to improvisation.
  • There was a time, around the 1930s, when jazz music became so popular and recognizable that even today it is still described as the peak of the “Jazz Era”, which in fact began around a decade before.
  • Art & Culture
    Enzo Capua(April 26, 2016)
    On our tour of jazz at i-Italy, we have been revisiting important instruments—and, as a result, phenomenal musicians—that form the story of the music, both in America and in Italy. And we intend to continue along that path, because it’s important to pique the interest of people who don’t know the music well.
  • An exciting jazz concert sponsored by Enzo Capua and the Italian Cultural Institute of New York will take place at the Roulette Theatre in Brooklyn on June 1st. The event will feature three young and talented Italian jazz pianists: Giovanni Guidi of the Giovanni Guidi Trio, solo artist Alessandro Lanzoni and Domenico Sanna of the “Brooklyn Beat!” Trio, who will all be performing back-to-back throughout the same action-packed night. Despite their young age – the three musicians are 30 or younger – they are all established figures within the jazz industry, having won titles such as the “Top Jazz” poll in Italy.
  • Art & Culture
    Enzo Capua(December 01, 2014)
    Let’s do an experiment. Those of you who don’t make a habit of singing—or are afraid to alarm the neighbors—try intoning a song that you know under the shower or in the tub—without the words.
  • Life & People
    Enzo Capua(September 18, 2014)
    Sonny Rollins. The American tenor saxophonist is widely recognized as one of the most important and influential jazz musicians and he loves Italy ...
  • If you think about it, in every group of friends there’s usually one who’s a little taciturn, even, occasionally, a little cranky, yet who has the most origi- nal ideas and undeniable personal magnetism. He’s the one running the show, often changing gears—sometimes to the surprise and chagrin of the others—who sees where the group is headed. He’s the one with charisma