You chose: stefano salis

You chose: stefano salis

  • "The Brooklyn Barge", The New Yorker, Emiliano Ponzi
    Art & Culture
    Mila Tenaglia(January 08, 2017)
    What changes when you cross the power of the pen with popular technology? Whatever it is, the marriage seems to bode well for Italian illustrators, as more and more art directors in the editorial world are beginning to recognize the style and originality of everything “Made in Italy.” We discussed this with experts in the field Stefano Imbert, member of the International Board of Directors of the American Society of Illustrators of New York, and Stefano Salis, a journalist for the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore and an expert in illustration, graphics and design.
  • Front Page Illustration: A conversation between Stefano Salis and Steven Guarnaccia
    Monday night, Stefano Salis and Steven Guarnaccia met up at the Italian Cultural Institute in NYC to talk about digitalization as well as its influence on book covers and illustration.