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You chose: as roma

  • Proposed new stadium, with skyscrapers, culture-commercial center
    Whether or not Rome is to have a new soccer stadium is approaching a decsion. The present 54-year-old Olympic Stadium, now home to local rival teams AS Roma and to SS Lazio, comes with serious defects, but construction of the proposed new $1.26 billion stadium faces no less serious obstacles.
  • The day after it was damaged by drunken Dutch soccer hooligans the Bernini fountain called La Barcaccia – the big boat -- was, like the surrounding Piazza di Spagna itself, spotlessly clean, and a silent, meditative crowd stood behind the new barriers surrounding the fountain, watching the beginning of a restoration. The damaged fountain raises questions about how best to protect Italy’s wealth of monuments. There is no easy answer.
  • The day after it was damaged by drunken Dutch soccer hooligans the Bernini fountain called La Barcaccia – the big boat -- was, like the surrounding Piazza di Spagna itself, spotlessly clean, and a silent, meditative crowd stood behind the new barriers surrounding the fountain, watching the beginning of a restoration. The damaged fountain raises questions about how best to protect Italy’s wealth of monuments. There is no easy answer.