You chose: President Mattarella

You chose: President Mattarella

  • Earlier today, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte met with President of Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, to present him with the list of ministers who will be part of his new government. Following their tete-a-tete, Prime Minister Conte read to the press the list of the members of his new cabinet. The new government, a coalition between the Movimento 5 Stelle party, the Democratic party, and supported by Liberi e Uguali (LeU), a small left-wing party, will be composed of 21 ministers - 7 of which are women. They will be officially sworn in tomorrow morning at 10am Italian time.
  • “I want to tell you that we don’t know who will win this World Cup but you’ve won here, in Italy, you conquered public opinion, you’ve brought irrevocable attention to women’s soccer.” said the Head of State, adding that “I can’t not stress how a difference in treatment between men’s and women’s soccer is completely irrational and unacceptable.”
  • State police chief inspector, Maria Rosa Volpe
    President Sergio Mattarella presented awards to 40 outstanding Italian citizens for their unique contributions to their country. Recipients, ranging in age from 18 to 90, came from all walks of life: teaching, medicine, music, police, sports.