You chose: poveri

You chose: poveri

  • Se il sistema del microcredito funziona nei villaggi più poveri del mondo, può e deve poter funzionare in tutti i paesi in cui la crisi economica e lo spettro della disoccupazione stanno spazzando via l'illusione del benessere a ogni costo. Vorrei che lo sforzo dei governanti di " abolire la povertà" davvero potesse inseguire visioni di liberazione piuttosto che tentazioni di propaganda.
  • Life & People
    Maria Rita Latto(December 14, 2011)
    We went to Termini Station where there is a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, and the Don Luigi Di Liegro health clinic run by Caritas. In the past there would be illegal immigrants and other marginalized members of society. Many who were forced to fight for survival could find a roof over their heads and something to eat. But today there is a new category of people, the so-called “new poor” – ordinary people, recently retired workers, women with downcast eyes who are ashamed, the unemployed, separated fathers who can’t make ends meet until the end of the month. We see them in front of the soup kitchen and they ask us not to be photographed, but they agree to tell their stories.