You chose: pompeii

You chose: pompeii

  • The House of Lovers, which had been closed to the public following the 1980 Irpina earthquake, reopens its doors along with two other structures. These three ancient domus were restored as part of the EU-founded Great Pompeii Project.
  • Mastroberardino, one of the Campania region’s major wineries, presents Villa dei Misteri 2012, the latest vintage of a wine grown and made in the archeological site of Pompeii.
  • Massimo Osanna, the Executive Director of the archeological park of Pompeii, believes that now is the opportune moment for the site to take on new initiatives. After having undergone necessary restorations, he is looking to relaunch Pompeii towards a new successful path.
  • On May 26th, the special unit of the Carabinieri police devoted to the protection of cultural heritage recovered three frescoes stolen from Pompeii and smuggled out of Italy in 1957 along with other ancient artworks that had ended up in the United States through the illegal art market. Italian Culture Minister Dario Franceschini took the opportunity to address the grave issue of defending the world’s cultural heritage from increasing threats, whether it be in the form of illegal trafficking or of targeted destruction by terrorist groups like ISIS.
  • Art & Culture
    Joey Skee(November 17, 2010)
    In recognition of co-blogger, Laura Ruberto, who intelligently expounds on West Coast iterations of Italian America, I offer my touristic encounter with things Italian in the Golden State.
