You chose: photography

You chose: photography

  • Last Saturday, Jersey City’s Casa Colombo Italian Educational and Cultural Center hosted the successful opening of the exhibition “I-phone as brush / cell-phone as muse” by photographers Mirko Notarangelo and Kerry Kolenut. A show centered around the idea of the smartphone as a new art-making tool.
  • Per ben 19 anni, al servizio del quotidiano di Palermo “L’Ora”, Letizia Battaglia è considerata una pioniera del fotogiornalismo italiano e simbolo della lotta contro la mafia. A 84 anni la fotografa si racconta nel nuovo documentario della regista britannica Kim Longinotto, “Shooting the Mafia", presentato in anteprima al Biografilm Festival di Bologna.
  • Having spent 19 years working with the Palermo daily “L’Ora,” Letizia Battaglia is considered a pioneering figure of Italian photo-journalism and a symbol of the fight against the Mafia. Now 84 years-old, the photographer tells her story in the documentary by British director Kim Longinotto titled “Shooting the Mafia,” which was presented at the Biografilm Festival in Bologna.
  • The "Premio Piccolo Cafe - Fabrizio Alessandrini" Awards
    Goosebump-worthy photography: a brand new exhibition space is launched in a Manhattan café frequented by Al Pacino and Uma Thurman. Dedicated to emerging young talents, the “Premio Piccolo Café – Fabrizio Alessandrini” awards offer recipients the opportunity to display their work in New York.
  • The Beautiful Cliché by Renato D’Agostin
    An exciting exhibition based on the timeless technique of Venetian glass blowing, Venetian textiles, and photography is currently at the Consulate General of Italy in New York City.
  • Roberto Chierici's photography in Chelsea
    A beard is a personal reflection, a key to confidence, and has undoubtedly transformed throughout history in various cultures. Italian photographer Roberto Chierici has explored today's mentality of beards through a series of photographs- now on display at the Atlantic Gallery in Manhattan.
  • The Radiant Sophia Loren credit: tonyvaccaro.studio
    The Tony Vaccaro Studio in association with the Monroe Gallery of Photography is pleased to present the first NYC retrospective of Tony Vaccaro’s work. Encompassing his images from WWII through the era of mass magazine media to modern day technology, it is a true recognition of one artist's adaptability to countless forms of artistic influence and cultural change.
