You chose: partito democratico (pd)

You chose: partito democratico (pd)

  • Luigi Di Maio, Leader of the Five Star Movement
    The shock waves of this election have swept away the entire political system that has managed Italy for the past two decades. Dominated by populist parties, this is now being called the dawn of Italy's Third Republic.
  • Fatti e Storie
    I. i.(February 18, 2018)
    Il 4 marzo 2018 in Italia ci saranno le elezioni politiche per il rinnovo del Parlamento italiano. Anche i cittadini italiani residenti all’estero, iscritti nelle liste elettorali della circoscrizione estero, potranno esercitare il proprio diritto al voto per corrispondenza. Attenzione però, all’estero gli elettori voteranno per corrispondenza e riceveranno le schede elettorali entro metà febbraio e dovranno restituirle all’ufficio consolare ENTRO IL 1 MARZO ORE 16 LOCALI. Ma chi sono i candidati nella circoscrizione di Nord e Centro America? Proviamo ad aggiornarvi anche se colpisce la scarsità di notizie accurate su molti dei candidati. Alcuni hanno un sito, altri una pagina facebook personale, altri niente. Abbiamo cercato di raccogliere informazioni per aiutare chi voterà a fare delle ricerche più approfondite.
  • As the year winds down, Italy looks ahead nervously to political 2018, when national general elections may take place as early as March. The predicted three-way split is almost certain to make forming a new government a challenge.
  • Local election posters, Genoa
    For the first time since its founding in October 2009 the Movimento Cinque Stelle (M5S) was trounced in an election held in 1,021 townships throughout Italy. The shock waves also rippled onto the Partito Democratico (PD). The result: probable postponement of early national general elections.
  • Italy's ruling Partito Democratico (PD), until only recently Italy's largest single party with about 40% of the electorate, has split into two, raising serious problems for future governing. Said one commentator here, "In a situation like this, only Beppe Grillo can smile."
  • In his customary cordial way, President Giorgio Napolitano read the political elite of Italy the polite equivalent of the riot act. On Tuesday the president made his traditional end-of-year address to the ranking elders of the Italian state, and it obviously represented a carefully considered sermon. He also insinuated that he will end his term of office Jan. 14, after which a new president must be chosen.
  • The proposal for a revision of the election process finally made it into the Chamber of Deputies this week, as neo-Premier Matteo Renzi had promised, but it does not quite resemble the deal expected after he and former Premier Silvio Berlusconi had a widely publicized (and widely criticized) meeting to hash it out. In the Senate, Beppe Grillo, head of the Movimento Cinque Stelle, went on a North Korean-style warpath, casting out dissidents. New polls show center-right and center-left neck and neck, and, for Grillo, disapproval.