You chose: the new york times bordighera press wally lamb italianamerican writers oprah's book club guernica editions prisons dope heroin hope poetry metabook people water amazon barnes&noble indiebound powell hollywood families

You chose: the new york times bordighera press wally lamb italianamerican writers oprah's book club guernica editions prisons dope heroin hope poetry metabook people water amazon barnes&noble indiebound powell hollywood families

  • To celebrate its first 25 years, IAWA has co-sponsored events with organizations such as the Vito Marcantonio Forum's Author Series, participated in the NYC Poetry Festival on Governors Island and will be joining Bordighera Press at the Brooklyn Book Festival as well as a Bookend event on Sept. 15 at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute. 2nd Saturday readings are the core of IAWA's activities and all are welcomed to read out loud.