You chose: molise

You chose: molise

  • Bagnoli del Trigno
    Each year, The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) collaborates with a region in Italy by promoting its culture, business and tourism in the United States, while also traveling to the region to promote cultural exchange. This year the Region of Honor will be Molise
  • Life & People
    Letizia Airos Soria(October 10, 2018)
    THE REGION ACCORDING TO ONE OF ITS MAJOR ENTREPRENEURS: Enrico Colavita. A life devoted to entrepreneur-ship and internationalization. His is an exemplary story. From a family business in a small village in Molise he embarked on a great adventure that would bring olive oil to the world, the United States in particular. Today, Colavita is not only in the olive oil business; it has put its international practice to the service of both region and country.
  • Discovering the Wonders of the Bel Paese. A small region of 1,714 sq miles and little more of 300,000 inhabitants, located between Abruzzo and Apulia, Molise is a land rich in history, full of mountain- and hilltop towns that look like nativity scenes, hermitages and monasteries, and vestiges of the ancient world.
  • Enrico Colavita
    Intervista con Enrico Colavita. A cavallo tra la presidenza di Confindustria Molise appena avviata e la recentissima candidatura al Senato della Repubblica Italiana. Un imprenditore che da sempre ha creduto nelle reti d’impresa e che mette la sua esperienza a servizio del Paese e della sua regione, il Molise.
  • Antonio e Lucia Zampini nel 1975 a Providence, negli Stati Uniti
    Una bella storia raccontata da un'idea nata in un incontro casuale in uno Starbucks nei pressi di Seattle. L’orgoglio delle radici. La storia di una famiglia di emigranti molisani in America attraversa tre secoli e diventa un libro di ricordi. E il libro sarà il dono di Natale 2017 della nonna “ai figli dei figli”. Per conoscere e per non dimenticare il passato. L’emigrazione italiana, pagine di storia che, dalla fine dell’Ottocento, attraversano il Novecento e approdano nel Duemila. Un fantastico filo ideale tiene unite generazioni e vicende così diverse e distanti, ma sempre ben salde e rispettose dei grandi valori umani, sociali e culturali che le famiglie di un tempo sapevano esprimere, custodire e diffondere.
  • Dining in & out: Articles & Reviews
    Gianna Corti(December 18, 2015)
    Imagine receiving in the mail something uniquely special... something to unwrap, discover and taste... with Italynthebox, Italian food specialties will reach you at home, wherever you are. High quality food products which are made in Italy by small, independent producers are now available to all. We have interviewed the representative of a company from Capracotta in Molise. Le IfeTartufi is one of the firsts to take part in the project. Le IfeTartufi is representative of the pristine terrain of Alto Molise, a land between high mountains and idyllic valleys.
  • Events: Reports
    M. T.(September 29, 2015)
    At the Italian Cultural Institute paintings from the 19th- Century Neapolitan School on show from October 8th to November 5th.
  • Short Italian Tales #2 - Anna Sammarone
    The Girl Who Made Her Passion Her Job is back to New York from Molise. "Larino (my hometown) is a fantastic place. Everything is small, attainable. The tailors are nearby and the people are special. They believed in me. They gave their hearts. Without them I could not have done anything" Hand made in Italy. With honesty, integrity, authenticity. Her new collection evokes past times by emphasizing the sense of elegance and sophistication.
  • We meet Anna Sammarone, a young designer and entrepreneur who has shown her creations in New York every season since 2009. From Larino, a small town in the Molise region, Anna presents her collection made with passion and creativity. The clothes are destined to have staying power: “I want my clothes to last. I create designs that are not limited by time or season.”
