You chose: migrants

You chose: migrants

  • Tonight, on Good Friday, the Pope dedicates the traditional Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) celebration held at the Colosseum, to the plight of migrants and victims of human trafficking, the “new crucified; victims of our closures, of powers and legislations, of blindness and egoism, and above all else, of our hearts hardened by indifference.”
  • Fear of immigrants is an economic theme: 58% say they believe that migrants take away jobs from Italians
    This December's annual Censis Report on the Italian society and economy is not exactly what Santa ordered. Its 52d edition shows an Italy suffering from fear of the future and of migrants, and lax in investing in education.
  • Art & Culture
    N. C.(April 27, 2018)
    On the occasion of Starring Europe: New Films from the EU, Rossella Schillaci’s “Ghetto PSA” will be premiering in LA with the support of the Consulate General of Italy, and the Italian Cultural Institute.
  • Italy's newest hero is Capt. Francesco Iavazzo, whose quick thinking and efficient crewmen saved the lives of literally hundreds of migrants whose shabby boat with 600 aboard capsized off the Libyan coast. "At sea, safeguarding human life is a sacred task," said Capt. Iavazzo.
  • For the twenty-four Syrian families -- 52 adults, 41 children -- flown into Rome from a Lebanese refugee camp on Feb. 29, kindly authorities at the Leonardo da Vinci airport had improvised a playroom for the youngsters. The families were from the cities of Homs, Idlib and Hama, all hard hit by bombing since 2011.
  • Last week police in Milan arrested a 22-year-old Moroccan after Tunisian authorities demanded his extradition on grounds that he had participated in the heinous terrorist attack on the Bardo Museum. The youth protests his innocence, and authorities here are uncertain. The risk is that such incidents overshadow the plight of thousands of innocent migrants. These horror stories overshadow the plight of the vast majority of migrants, “that 70% who are fleeing certain death while knowing that they risk a probable death while crossing the desert and the sea,” in the words of Monsignor Domenico Mogavero, who is bishop of Mazara del Vallo in Sicily. Mons. Mogavero knows of what he speaks: Mazara is one of Italy’s coastal towns closest to Libya, only 100 nautical miles distant, and is regularly flooded with migrants.
  • About a hundred migrants lost their lives and many more are still missing off the Italian island of Lampedusa, after yet another deadly illegal migrants boat accident.