You chose: italian justice

You chose: italian justice

  • He was surely expecting it, but when the latest judiciary act involving former Premier Silvio Berlusconi arrived on Oct. 23, by all accounts it nevertheless came as una tegola in testa--a roof tile dropped on his head. This latest incrimination, which will bring Berlusconi to trial before a penal court on Feb. 11, is for vote-buying and is no less serious than the others--on the contrary. Berlusconi, already convicted of tax fraud, obviously fears time in prison, however unlikely. Coincidentally, the Italian supreme Cassations court has just cleared Sophia Loren, who did spend time in prison, for alleged tax dodging.
  • Discorso del Ministro della Giustizia, Paola Severino, alla comunità di New York
    Presenting the American institutions and stakeholders with positive updates on the efficiency of Italian justice, Minister Severino elaborated on Italy’s readiness for foreign investments. “Italy is an improved country,” she told the Italian-American community at the Italian Consulate in New York, where she acknowledged the role of Italian-Americans as “privileged witnesses of Italy’s belief in meritocracy.” STAY TUNED FOR OUR VIDEO INTERVIEW!