You chose: italian cinema

You chose: italian cinema

  • A new approach to cinema is affirming itself in Italy. The pioneers of this metamorphic tendency in the art of narrating through images are the young writer and director Emanuela Mascherini and Stefano Amadio, the Director of the national film and audiovisual promotional platform cinemaitaliano.info. Their initiative, titled CineAtelier, consists of a review created to give space to auteur cinema through a selection of first or second works presented in decentralized areas.
  • When we speak of Italian cinema, the same names always come up: Moretti, Virzì and Sorrentino. But nobody knows what to say about the new generation. That’s where the D’Innocenzo Brothers come in. Fabio and Damiano, whose film Bad Tales just won the award for best screenplay at the 70th Berlinale, are the face of a young new self-taught cinema, which could propel Italy towards different horizons, worlds, and cultures.
  • The film, written with Giovanni Veronesi and presented by Filmauro, comes out February 26. Reminiscent of the Commedia all’Italiana tradition, however with fluctuating results that are never up to the standards of the Verdone we have come to know and love.
  • Art & Culture
    Elena Dal Forno(February 11, 2020)
    Two years after “There is no Place Like Home” (A casa tutti bene), which made 9.2 million euro, Gabriele Muccino is back with “Gli Anni Più Belli," an ambitious project about History and Friendship, two themes connected by the music of Nicola Piovani and Claudio Baglioni, whose song gives the movie its title.
  • On December 19, Pinocchio, the latest adaptation of Carlo Lorenzini’s (a.k.a. Carlo Collodi) tale by the award-winning director of Dogman, Matteo Garrone, comes to Italian theatres. Oscar-winner Roberto Benigni is Geppetto, while the young Federico Ielapi embodies the little wooden boy, thanks to the work of make-up artist Mark Coulier, winner of two Academy Awards for his work in Harry Potter and Bohemian Rhapsody.
  • Arriva nelle sale italiane dal 19 dicembre, Pinocchio, ennesima rivisitazione della fiaba di Carlo Lorenzini, alias Carlo Collodi, per mano del premiato regista di Dogman, Matteo Garrone. Nei panni di Geppetto, il Premio Oscar Roberto Benigni, mentre il piccolo Federico Lelapi ha il volto del burattino di legno grazie al lavoro di make-up dell'artista visivo Mark Coulier, due premi Oscar e il lavoro su cult come Harry Potter e Bohemian Rhapsody.
