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You chose: ipsos

  • In his customary cordial way, President Giorgio Napolitano read the political elite of Italy the polite equivalent of the riot act. On Tuesday the president made his traditional end-of-year address to the ranking elders of the Italian state, and it obviously represented a carefully considered sermon. He also insinuated that he will end his term of office Jan. 14, after which a new president must be chosen.
  • Two new studies are examining under the microscope Italy’s so-called millennial generation, to analyze both their aspirations and the ways they are facing a new globalized world while challenged by tough economic prospects at home. During 2013 some 82,000 young people set out for foreign pastures, almost 21% more than in 2012; of this new generation of Italian emigres, one out of six holds a degree from an Italian university. The effects have brought real change in family relationships, but also in politics.