You chose: guidette

You chose: guidette

  • This colloquium is not about the MTV show “Jersey Shore” and it does not justify it in any manner. This colloquium is about the phenomenon of the “Guido” that, regardless of its merits or lack thereof, has its origins and is associated with Italians in America. Whether one likes it or not, this component of Italian-American youth—an articulation of cultural expression, call it what one wishes—does exist. We are not asking anyone “to accept” this or any other “sub-culture” that may exist in the Italian-American community. Yet, precisely because this culture has been show-cased on television, and precisely because it has remained unknown to many, we need to be sure that we can speak to it in an informed manner.
  • Op-Eds
    Jerry Krase(January 14, 2010)
    The Italian and Italian American traditions share many common practices, the most important of which for the case at hand is the knack for rhetorical and other displays. It is the "others," such as Wasps, who are supposed to be tight-lipped and up-tight when it comes to potentially embarrassing issues. In my opinion, the term "Guido" and its associated youth style deserves a cool headed discussion, as well as the heated conversation it now enjoys.