You chose: futurism

You chose: futurism

  • The front cover of Depsero's "Bolted Book"
    Designers & Books collaborates with Italian and American museums and global crowdfunding site Kickstarter to create a facsimile edition of Fortunato Depero’s 1927 monograph "Depero Futurista."
  • The art exhibition “Dynamism and Elasticity: Umberto Boccioni 100” is currently taking place at the United Nations headquarters
    Art & Culture
    Joelle Grosso(October 05, 2016)
    The art exhibition “Dynamism and Elasticity: Umberto Boccioni 100” will be held at the United Nations headquarters in New York from October 3rd to October 7th.
  • "The Art Show," an annual fair of the Art Dealer's Association of America, located at the Park Avenue Armory, includes multiple artworks by Italian Impressionists and Futurists. Many other works draw clear inspiration and influence from these Italian artists.
  • Massimiliano Finazzer Flory’s special movie co-produced by i-ItalyTV portrays the founder of the Futurist movement as he journeys between Brooklyn and Manhattan. To the project have passionately contributed Letizia Airos, Mattia Minasi ad Matteo Banfo, taking the i-Italy team to meet a new challenge. And New York City, the perfect translation of Marinetti’s project, definitely played its part too. Stay tuned!
  • A homage to Italian Futurism. Massimiliano Finazzer Flory plays the role of the movement's founder, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. In an effervescent monologue, which uses the words of Marinetti and other Futurist ideologues such as Giovanni Papini, Libero Altomare and Aldo Palazzeschi, Finazzer Flory, in a frock coat bringing to mind the formality of the era, conveys the essence of the movement, which reacted against any mediocrity or conformity
  • Art & Culture
    L. A.(February 17, 2014)
    We interviewed the Director of the Italian Cultural Institute of New York, Riccardo Viale, who is at the end of his mandate. As he bids us farewell he leaves behind an App that allows users to access the calendar of events at the Institute but also to check out cultural initiatives that take place in Italy.
“Why?” he says “Because the Institute must become the go-to information channel for Americans interested in all that is Italian.”
