You chose: emma bonino

You chose: emma bonino

  • Not real candidates: VOTE FOR ME guerrilla posters
    This is the last week before polling is prohibited, and in these last days the campaigning for general elections March 4 is both fraught and fragmented, with no fewer than 28 national parties facing off against each other.
  • Facts & Stories
    Giulia Madron(September 24, 2013)
    On Sunday, September 22, 2013, Minister of Foreign Affairs Emma Bonino, who was in New York to participate at the United Nations General Assembly ministerial week, met the Italian community at the Italian Consulate General in New York. During this event, Minister Bonino touched upon several arguments: the fight against terrorists, the plan of making new investments in Italy, and also about the decision of closing the Consulate in Newark, illustrating to the Italian community the programs and goals of her Ministry.
  • With seven women, the 21-member cabinet of Premier Enrico Letta vaunts the largest number of women of any Italian government in history. Emma Bonino is Italy's only second female Foreign Minister. Anna Maria Cancellieri holds the delicate post of Justice Minister. Two were born outside of Italy: Minister for Integration Cecile Kyenge was born in the Congo while Josefa Idem, the new Minister for Equal Opportunities, Sports and Youth, was born in Germany and holds 38 medals from world sporting competitions including the Olympics. Here they are, in profile.
  • After the proclamation of Enrico Letta as the new Italian Prime Minister, Emma Bonino, a respected former European commissioner, was chosen as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Her experience, long-lasting career, knowledge about world's problematics, courage and passion for her job are the characteristics that will guide her mandate.
  • Events: Reports
    (March 05, 2011)
    Thusday March 10 marks the beginning of the second edition of the Women in the World Summit in New York, an event that gathers women worldwide committed to the fight against gender discrimination. The goal is to raise international awareness and take a strong stand in issues regarding women around the world. Italy will be represented by Emma Bonino
  • Emma Bonino, Vice President of the Italian Senate, as well as the Italian Minster of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini supported an International Campaign against FGM in New York asking for a UN Resolution that would ban this practice permanently.