You chose: discovery

You chose: discovery

  • 12 light years away, revolving around the Teegarden star, two new sister planets to Earth have been spotted. Involved in the research of this new discovery is Italian "planet hunter" Luigi Mancini.
  • The first ever picture of a black hole was revealed today, showing what scientists always believed was unseeable. This breakthrough is the result of the project Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), an international collaboration, in which Italy’s National Astrophysics Institute (INAF) and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) participated.
  • The tour will visit Italy’s Lombardia region, NIAF’s 2015 Region of Honor, from June 9 to June 23, 2015. “This signature program at the National Italian American Foundation gives these fortunate Italian American students an incredible opportunity to discover and immerse themselves in the land and beautiful culture of their ancestors,” said NIAF Director of Programs Gabriella Mileti. The 2015 trip itinerary will include a visit to Expo Milano 2015, educational lectures, service opportunities, meetings with government officials, business leaders and visits to government offices, international businesses, museums and other cultural attractions.