You chose: Dino Risi

You chose: Dino Risi

  • Amelia Antonucci - Program Director of Cinema Italia San Francisco. Photo Credit: Flavia Loreto Fotografia
    Upon retiring as the Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in San Francisco, Amelia Antonucci found that her energy had not declined while her love of film persisted. Thus Cinema Italia SF was born, and it’s now in its fifth year.
  • Consulate General of Italy, San Francisco
    The closest historical equivalent to San Francisco may be Renaissance Florence, where a series of structural, economic and cultural conditions aligned to produce a once-in-lifetime situation. The Consulate General oversees a vast area, from Hawaii to Alaska, Seattle to San Jose. At its hearth lies San Francisco, the “Golden City,” and of course the Silicon Valley. Our conversation with Consul General Ortona cannot fail to start from this point.