You chose: confindustria

You chose: confindustria

  • Lorenzo Zurino, founder and CEO of The One Company, specializing in the promotion of Italian businesses abroad, recently received the NIAF (an important Italian American association) award for Young Entrepreneur of the Year. We met with him in our editorial office. He is one of the main figures involved in the promotion of Italian food products in the world and with ‘The One’ is a point of reference not only for big Italian food companies. Zurino also caters to medium and small businesses, which in Italy constitute a significant reality, one potentially important for the country’s economy yet too often overlooked.
  • Lorenzo Zurino, fondatore e Ceo di The One Company, azienda specializzata nella promozione delle imprese italiane sui mercati esteri, è stato di recente premiato dalla Niaf (importante associazione italo-americana), come giovane imprenditore dell’anno. Decidiamo di incontrarlo in redazione. E’ infatti tra i nuovi protagonisti della promozione di prodotti alimentari italiani nel mondo e, con la sua 'The One', è un punto di riferimento non solo per grandi aziende italiane del settore dell'agroalimentare. Zurino si rivolge infatti anche a piccole e medie imprese che in Italia costituiscono una realtà numericamente significativa, potenzialmente importante per l’economia, ma troppo spesso trascurata.
  • Last summer, doing our annual browsing at the packed Italian Pavilion at the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York, we met Maria Teresa Sassano, a businesswoman from Puglia and National Vice President of the Small Industry Committee of Confindustria, the largest industrial organization in Italy (see box to the right). We hung back to talk with her about women’s roles in Italian industry and her personal efforts to promote the internationalization of small and medium-sized Italian companies.
  • Enrico Colavita
    Intervista con Enrico Colavita. A cavallo tra la presidenza di Confindustria Molise appena avviata e la recentissima candidatura al Senato della Repubblica Italiana. Un imprenditore che da sempre ha creduto nelle reti d’impresa e che mette la sua esperienza a servizio del Paese e della sua regione, il Molise.
  • Having coffee in New York with the president of Italy’s Confindustria doesn’t happen very often! But we got the chance to sit down with Vincenzo Boccia at the end of a lunch organized by the GEI (Gruppo Esponenti Italiani), where Mr. Boccia was being presented with a special award by GEI President Lucio Caputo.
  • The president of Confindustria will be in NYC to receive the GEI Award. The prize is given in a significant moment for Italian economy. She will also be honored at the National Italian American Foundation’s (NIAF) 36th Anniversary Awards Gala in Washington, D.C.
