You chose: cameristi

You chose: cameristi

  • Cameristi della Scala performed Fantasies on Verdi's Operas, “Fantasie” composed in the 19th century by Italian important composers, some of which were Verdi’s friends and coworkers, to celebrate the bicentennial of Giuseppe Verdi's birth. It was their debut at Carnegie Hall and a night to remember.
  • In the year of the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi’s birth, the Cameristi della Scala will offer an exclusive program featuring “Fantasie” from Verdi’s operas. The tour will open on October 7th at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), a place not really known for classical music but known for its special relationship with an important Italian multinational oil and gas company: ENI ((National Hydrocarbons Authority). President Barack Obama in a historic visit to the campus, October 23, 2009, went the Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Research Center and left his signature for MIT students on a piece of equipment in the Organic and Nanostructured Electronics Laboratory.
  • Events: Reports
    (September 04, 2013)
    An important concert with "The Cameristi della Scala" at Carnegie Hall marks the anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901).