You chose: california

You chose: california

  • New Deadline is March 1, 2016, for 2016-2017. Since NIAF’s inception 40 years ago, the scholarship program has grown from four scholarships of $250 each to dozens of annual scholarships ranging in value from $2,000 to $12,000, each in the Italian language and culture, medicine, engineering, business, law, music, and other specialized fields.
  • Life & People
    George De Stefano(December 16, 2014)
    "Finding the Mother Lode," a new film by Gianfranco Norelli and Suma Kurien, documents the Italian experience in California The filmakers presented and discussed their latest work, which will be aired as a three-part miniseries on the Public Broadcasting System in February, at a December 15 event at New York University’s Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò.
  • "By understanding how Italians became Americans and what happened to them along the way, we have learned a great deal also about America". "Finding the Mother Lode" documents the experience of Italian immigrants in California, which was markedly different from that of their compatriots elsewhere in the United States. Screening: Preview of FINDING THE MOTHER LODE at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò December 15, 2014 - (06:o0 PM ) - Followed by a Q&A with director/producers Gianfranco Norelli and Suma Kurien. Moderated by Martino Marazzi, University of Milan / Tiro a Segno Visiting Professor, NYU
  • Facts & Stories
    N.L.(October 11, 2011)
    Italy is the proud home to the world’s biggest Apple Museum. With over 7.000 pieces, it gets the seal of approval from Brett Murray, senior manager in Cupertino. What makes this collection unique is that all the machines, some dating back to the seventies, can be powered on and work perfectly.
  • Art & Culture
    Joey Skee(November 17, 2010)
    In recognition of co-blogger, Laura Ruberto, who intelligently expounds on West Coast iterations of Italian America, I offer my touristic encounter with things Italian in the Golden State.
