You chose: 9/11

You chose: 9/11

  • On Sunday, September 11 at 8.15 am Buglisi Dance Theater will presents for the sixth consecutive year "The Table of Silence Project", a performance ritual for peace on the Josie Robertson Plaza, Lincoln Center, NYC that was live streamed around the world.
  • Every year around 9/11 I go out in my neighborhood of Park Slope, Brooklyn and retrace my steps (and re-photograph) as I walked about in 2001 looking at how ordinary people visibly responded to the murder of almost three thousand people in and around the World Trade Center when the Twin Towers fell. This is the second of my "Memories of September 11th Past, Present, and ....." that I have offered here on I-Italy and I will repeat this on every 9/11 anniversary.
  • The Consulate of Italy in New York hosted a conference for the presentation of the book “Roma ricorda l’11 settembre,” a work narrating the story of the memorial monument , consisting of two marble columns representing the Twin Towers, that the City of Rome erected in the historical Piazza di Porta Capena two years ago.
  • To try to make meaning out of 9/11, every year since 2001 I have retraced my steps to re-photograph how my neighbors displayed their feelings about the tragedy. As time has passed it has become clearer to me what can and can’t be seen in the gentrified landscapes of Park Slope, Brooklyn. I am grateful that the pain we all felt then has, visibly at least, slowly faded away.
  • 11 settembre 2011 a New York. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata ricorda
    On September 11, 2011 the Consulate General of Italy in New York has commemorated the tenth anniversary of the 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks with Italian and Italian-American residents in the USA. The Ambassador of Italy to the US was kind enough to speak with us and share some of his opinions on September 11 and its aftermath.
  • “I was at Ground Zero this morning, with my husband, and I heard all the names of the victims. It was the most moving event. Here I heard the Italian names, and for me to hear them down here at the Consulate is even more meaningful, because this is their home.” The founder and chair of "MentoringUSA" and New York’s former First Lady found the time to share her feelings with i-Italy while attending the 9/11 memorial ceremony held at the Consulate General of Italy.
