During the course of his intriguing life, Dario D’Ambrosi [2] went from being a professional soccer player to being one of Italy’s top performance artists. He has starred in several movie and television roles, the most notable works being the Italian crime series “Romanzo Criminale” [3] as well as “The Passion of the Christ” [4] directed by popular American actor, Mel Gibson [5], in 2004. However, D’Ambrosi’s greatest contribution to the art world has been the creation of a new type of theater called “pathological theater.”
The idea for pathological theater stems from D’Ambrosi’s deep interest in mental illnesses as well as their social stigma. He is so passionate about the topic that he even lived in a mental institution for three months in order to do more in depth research for his work. His shows are characterized by the way they channel dark energies and how they push limits that some may not be comfortable with. The thin line between sanity and madness is always explored and questioned in the most personal way possible.
As a result of this study done at the mental institution, D’Ambrosi started up the “Integrated Theater of the Emotion” [6] in Rome which is “a university-level degree especially designed to academically and professionally prepare people with disabilities in the field of theater arts.” In the event that will be taking place at La MaMa [7] theater on December 12th, D’Ambrosi will be presenting the results of this unorthodox course. He says that “in many countries they put their mentally disabled in straightjackets and contention beds; we offer them a university degree, in “Theater of the Emotion.” The outcome has been remarkable and the course is already changing the lives of many even though it began just a year ago. He hopes that he has created a functional model that can now be exported all around the world.
December 12th will feature a full night of events including the reading of excerpts from D’Ambrosi’s play “The Buzzing of the Flies,” a screening of the documentary “An Italian Miracle,” a presentation of the “Integrated Theater of the Emotion”, a panel discussion that will present the scientific results of the course, followed by drinks and aperitivo provided by the famous Serafina restaurant.
D’Ambrosi is no stranger to La MaMa theater, as he has been putting on shows there for the past 25 years. A crowd favorite was the 2015 play “Medea” [8] which combined professional actors with a chorus of 14 actors with disabilities from his theater academy. D’Ambrosi’s work introduces a new way of being on stage and he also gives his audiences a fresh experience that they do not expect but end up never forgetting. Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in this wonderful night jam-packed with inspiring stories and insightful messages.
Too see the Program click here >>> [9]
Source URL: http://newsite.iitaly.org/magazine/events/article/dario-dambrosi-returns-la-mama-theater
[1] http://newsite.iitaly.org/files/paologilibetisaranasoindonchisciottebydariodambrosijpg
[2] https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dario_D'Ambrosi
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanzo_Criminale
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Passion_of_the_Christ
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Gibson
[6] http://lamama.org/italian_miracle/
[7] http://lamama.org/
[8] http://lamama.org/medea/
[9] http://Too see the Program click here >>>