This rally will be held Friday April 11th at 10:00 A.M. in front of Rizzoli Bookstore [2].
This turn-of-the-century townhouse, as well as its two adjacent neighbors, is slated to be replaced by a luxury condo glass tower after its recent sale. This comes as a hard blow to a community that has attempted to gain designation for this building from the Landmarks Preservation Commission since 2007. Last week, Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer [3], together with CB5 [4], hosted a press conference urging LPC [5] to hold an immediate hearing on the historical and architectural value of both the exterior and interior of the Rizzoli Building.
Community Board Five believes that New York City can continue to grow while maintaining a balance between preservation and progress, as many leading cities around the world have done for centuries. Showing our support for the Rizzoli Building is a small but imperative part of a larger issue: the future of our skyline and Manhattan’s architectural make-up. We must cease this short-sighted development on 57th Street that comes at the expense of exquisite buildings that have only yet to be designated due to an untimely process.
We urge all who agree to join us for the rally on Friday!
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