It was supposed to be a way to promote science. It was an interactive museum, a training center and now it is destroyed. It was called "Citta' della Scienza [2]", "The city of Science," and it is now reduced to ashes.
The City of Science, located in the western part of the city of Naples, Bagnoli [3]neighborhood, was lost on Monday to a fire that has destroyed every pavilion, leaving only the perimeter walls standing.
The museum had different entrances, each of them symbolizing a different branch of knowledge such as biology, astronomy and physics. The different pavilions were focused on natural phenomena, the solar system and temporary exhibitions like 'Gnam,' dedicated to nutrition, and 'Pompei,' that recreated the city that was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79. There was also a section completely dedicated to children, 'The children's Workshop,' where kids could learn science and get closer to it while playing.
The causes of the fire are still unknown and the investigators are suspecting a malicious intent behind the action. This is why the anti-mafia department is also taking part in the investigation: in fact, the area of Bagnoli is subject to a long and complex discussion about the recovery and selling of the territory that does not exclude the interests of racketeering.
The neighborhood was an industrial area that reposed in this scientific project hopes of reconstructions and revaluation, that are now shaken. Anxiety also arose due to concerns about the future of the museum's workers. In fact, because of the continuously troubling economic crisis, the one hundred and sixty employees have not received their salary in the last eleven months, and now are facing the possibility of not having a job at all.
The fire burned for thirteen hours. The mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, expressed his concern: “It appears to me that there may be a criminal hand behind the stake. We have to commit completely to the judiciary for deeper investigations.” He also enhanced this worried statement on his twitter account, writing: “Naples is under attack.”
While an entire city is curious to discover the circumstance of the fire that reduced to ashes one of the most important attractions in Naples, people are thinking of rebuilding the museum quickly. Some financial help is arriving and a flash mob [4] has been organized. This event, scheduled for March 11, was created on Facebook not by Institutions but by common people concerned about the future of the museum. The flash mob already collected over eight thousand participations, and this number will certainly grow in the next hours. The manifestation is organized not just to remember the Scientific Center of the city but also to show the clean and healthy side of the city.
Source URL: http://newsite.iitaly.org/magazine/focus/facts-stories/article/city-science-fire
[1] http://newsite.iitaly.org/files/citta-scienza-barchehpartb1362695900jpg
[2] http://www.cittadellascienza.it/?lang=en
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagnoli
[4] http://www.facebook.com/events/135051080001270/