In March 2006, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey launched his first message: “Just setting up my twttr”, giving way to an online revolution that six years later has led to a new way of conducting diplomacy. Italy’s Ambassador to the USA, Claudio Bisogniero [2] is following course today with the launch of his own Twitter channel @CBisogniero.
“Like the Internet, social media play a very important role in International relations and public
diplomacy today—says Claudio Bisogniero—and have become an instrument of choice for engaging in an increasingly open and compelling dialogue with the U.S. public and anyone interested in knowing Italy better.”
With the launch of @CBisogniero, the Embassy’s presence on the web has expanded beyond its official web site to YouTube, Flickr, and the Italy4Kids [3] portal for the youngest generation.
Twitter is fast becoming a favorite channel of communication, and the U.S. public has always been one of its most enthusiastic users. While Twitter’s success came later in Italy, it is now growing exponentially, with over 2.4 million users and about 3 tweets per second. A success with the public demonstrated also by Minister of Foreign Affairs Giulio Terzi who, from his offices in Rome, launched his own channel, @Giulio Terzi, to remain in closer contact with the public on global topics.
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