Manzoni Gives Back to his “Madreterra” on BORN

Manzoni Gives Back to his “Madreterra” on BORN

Iwona Adamczyk (August 04, 2014)
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Flavio Manzoni, a renown artist and designer launches a continuation of Madreterra project that he created in order to raise funds for his motherland Sardinia and its people post the devastating cyclone, which impacted the area back in November of 2013. This time he utilizes BORN, an elite crowdfunding website, to gather funds and exposure for this dear to his heart project.

Back in May we have met Flavio Manzoni, Ferrari’s design director and a renown artist in New York when he first brought the project Madreterra to New York. He has captured our hearts with the dedication and passion with which he has devoted himself to raising funds to his beloved motherland of Sardinia and its people whom have experienced nature’s fury when a cyclone hit the area back in November of 2013.

In the catastrophic floods that followed the vicious storm, at least 19 people died and thousands were left homeless. Manzoni's Madreterra (“Mother Earth”) project aims not only to reflect upon the destruction that Sardinia and his people have suffered, but also to serve as a celebration and a reminder of the potent forces of renewal and rebirth, which can overcome such devastation and which can illuminate the way into the future.

The main focus of Manzoni’s project is to raise funds to rebuild a school severely damaged by a flood in his native land. Back in May in an interview with i-Italy Flavio Manzoni told us about the project, which he carried out in conjunction with Leucos. Turning his design talents into a fruitful fundraising campaign, he dedicated a large part of his free time to the decoration of lamps. These of course are not just any lamps. They are three meter tall, white swing-arm “Great JJs” (a giant version of a classic light originating in the 1930’s).

Each of the lamps is hand-painted by the man himself. Each of them is a masterpiece of design. An intertwining meanders of reds and blacks, a juxtaposition of images and quotes, each reflecting both the fragility and strength of mankind.

There are two ways he aims for us to interpret the objects: "Abstractly, as a sort of cosmogram, in which each figure has its own meaning, and allegorically, as a figurative work in which each figure evokes [his] personal bond with [his] land." The funds generating from the sales will go towards the reconstruction of the Maria Rocca School in Olbia, the town most affected by the floods.

Sales of the lamps will raise and approximate €117,000. Yet not all of us poor mortals can afford to purchase a Manzoni designed 3 meter tall lamp… So, with this new project within a project, Flavio aims to raise a further €15,000 in the next 2 months with Madreterra designs which are to be printed on 200 limited edition mugs, 160 limited edition T-shirts, and 100 limited edition signed prints on canvas. These will be given as gifts to people who pledge to make a donation to the cause via the crowdfunding site BORN.

Flavio is only gifting 463 items in total. In short: in return for a donation, supporters will receive a gift. So consider donating while obtaining a one of a kind item designed by Ferrari’s most talented designers and feel good doing it as you will serve a good cause at the same time – now’s your chance to give and receive in return.

For more information on Flavio Manzoni’s project and to donate click here >>>



