Mario ("Beddu"!) – Lifetime Vicar of the Rich and Powerful – Hammers the Italian Working Class

Tom Verso (March 22, 2012)
OMG! When these two put their heads together – worker’s heads roll! Emma Marcegaglia: "We're in a situation now where permanent jobs no longer exist-- and we must acknowledge that."

On November 9, 2011, Italian President Giorgio Napolitano appointed Mario Monti a “Lifetime Senator”. A “Lifetime Senator” is one that is appointed rather than elected. (Judith Harris, i-Italy’s Berlusconi watcher, refers to Monti as a “neo-Senator” e.g. 11/15/11.  I can’t find a definition of neo-Senator, but it seems “Lifetime Senator” is more accurate.)  Subsequently, Italy’s President asked Monti to become the Prime Minister.

But, Hey! The news is not all bad.  After all, Mario is a lovable guy and the previous girl-chasing Prime Minister is gone.  That’s good! ... No?     





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